Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sometimes we're just dumb sheep

I'm looking out my window wishing the sun would shine some warmth into my office.  This old house is a huge blessing, but a warm haven it is not.  It was 60 inside when the office staff arrived this morning, and isn't much warmer now...
Anyway, back to the window.  So, as I'm sitting here thinking about tons of things, and listening to my teeth chatter, I noticed a van parked on the curb across from my desk and going in the wrong direction.  It had only been there for a few minutes when the parking enforcement guy wandered by, and quick as a flash, a ticket was written.  
Come on people... who parallel parks in the wrong direction and thinks that's ok?  What was he thinking?  Was his brain frozen?
Then it hit me... Aren't we all like that?  I mean, how many times during the day do we know what we should do (or shouldn't do) and do just the opposite?  What are we thinking?  Especially, if we count ourselves as followers of Christ, how is it that we make some of the decisions that we make?
The van driver just got back and found his special gift on his windshield from the City of Franklin.  I guess his day just took a turn.  I hope I remember the next time I start to park going the wrong direction.

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