Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What is God Up To?

Sometimes, even when God's direction is apparent, we are slow to respond. Yesterday, Ridley and I had lunch with a guy from KY who is ready to plant a church in Lexington. The fact that someone who knows someone helped us connect is pretty amazing in itself. The thing that makes it interesting, is that it is the 4th "church plant" conversation that Ridley and I have had since Christmas.

From day one, we (Ridley and I) have believed that Ridgeview would be a strategic church used to plant churches throughout North America and even around the world. Today's conversation, coming on the heels of my trip to India last week, and the numerous other conversations that have taken place in the past 6 weeks, has just confirmed that God is up to something.

What does this mean for our church? Does this mean we abandon local ministry? No way! It just means that we have to do everything possible to align ourselves with what God is already doing. We've been praying for men to step up in their leadership in our church... and Sunday we saw evidence of that very thing. We've been praying for multiplied leaders... we are seeing a glimpse of that. We've been praying for clarity in our worship planning... These past few weeks have been amazing in our corporate worship time.

So what is God up to? I believe He's saying, "Trust me... trust me enough to obey me, no matter what." These are exciting days, but we know that warfare is real. Stay tuned.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Catching Up

Wow, where has the week gone. The trip to India was amazing! Our friends there are doing such an incredible work. The trip home was overwhelming, but boy was it a great feeling to be back in the USA!

I've thought alot the past couple of days about how blessed I really am. Being away from family and familiar can do that to you. Especially with Valentine's Day falling just after my return, I've really been reminded how thankful I am for all that God has entrusted me with.

One of the things that had me a little anxious about going to India was being away from Pam. She's doing great... She is almost 6 weeks removed from her last radiation treatment and is getting stronger every day. Still, being that far away for that long caused me to second guess the timing of the trip more than once. Funny how God's timing works.....

I blogged several weeks ago that we had added a member to our family. A certain 16yr old has brought a very new perspective to us. It has been an amazing 5 weeks with Ben. Which brings me back to God's timing. On the one hand Pam and I were unsure if it was a good idea for her to suddenly be a "single parent" while I was away, but a few days before I left I had a real peace about the whole thing. As it turned out, I'm so thankful that Ben was able to be good company for Pam, especially the night the tornados were ripping through middle Tennessee.

Now back to the blessings. God new exactly what He was doing when He brought Pam into my life. The past year has had more than its share of surprises for us as a couple, but His fingerprints are all over the calendar. She is a perfect partner in ministry, an amazing friend, and a wife off the charts... and I love her. He's allowed me to be part of a church that continues to "get it," and he's added to my family (even if it's temporary) in an amazing way. I am truly blessed.

Awesome... Amazing... Almighty God

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Village Life and Warm-up the Shablam

Wow, the past 36 hours were amazing.  We traveled to Samastipur to meet with a local pastor and mission leader.  From there we traveled to a local village to meet with who we might share the Gospel.  The day was rainy and cool, so we new that it was unlikely we could really "draw a crowd."  Almost immediately we were invited into a "home" for Chi tea, and to talk with a family.  As much as anything else, I've learned a great deal about Spiritual Warfare.  While our group leader shared his story and the Gospel, you could feel the air thicken with the intensity of warfare.  It was intense.  One of the adult members of the family was open to hear and talk, and from there we walked to the "market" area.  Just so that you will know, we were the first "white" people to come to the village since 1978 when two Europeans visited.  Within minutes, we were surrounded by wide eyes, coming to talk to the Americans and eager to hear about Jesus.  A short time later we were invited into the home of the most influential member of the village.  I wont bore you with the details, but the meeting was certainly a God thing.  The gentleman didn't pray to receive Christ, but he is definately a man of peace, and he wants to have more "conversations" about the gospel.

Today we traveled from Samastipur to a second village.  Based on local research, the village had never been presented with the Gospel.  I had the privilege of sharing my testimony which was followed up by the Good News.  15 villagers indicated a desire to receive Christ.  Local pastors will be following up with these villagers in the coming days.

What a trip!  It's been amazing to see God work things in His timing, and see eternity change in the process.  Tomorrow, we head to a third village to attend a worship service.  Paul will be speaking (hence the shablam), and I will be sharing my testimony.  

We only have a few days left... keep praying and we'll keep trying to make ourselves available.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Darkness to be Shattered

So maybe I haven't blogged asmuch as I had hoped... It's thursday night here in india, and it's been a full day. Paul and I are both struggling with jet lag tonight, but the day started with lots of energy and an eagerness to see the local area.

The trip itself was memorable. Traffic laws are almost non-existent, but our driver was amazing. After about 3 hours on the road, we arrived at the birthplace of Buddhism. While it is a significant historical place, the spiritual darkness there was beyond anything I've ever seen. There were multiple nationalities present, all making a personal pilgrimage. I couldn't help but be taken back to the Acts passage where Paul reasons with the Greeks concerning their "unknown" God.

Many people continue to jump on the "political correct" bandwagon and talk about acceptance and tolerance, blah, blah, blah. Today, as we silently prayed for a shattering of the darkness that entraps so many, I was reminded of all of our responsibility to be immersed in scripture and pursue relentlessly the Gospel and cause of Christ.

Tomorrow, we journey to a "first contact" village. We go with the humility of knowing that we bring nothing, but we carry the power of a Gospel that brings hope. We'll go, you pray.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Surprises, adventures, and a really long flight

I don't know very much Greek or Hebrew, but there has to be something in scripture about God being "One who Surprises."  The past 12 months have been full of them, and His finger prints have been all over them.  

Tonight, I'm sitting in the food court at Newark/Liberty International Airport, and will board a Continental jet for a 14.5 hour flight to the East in just about 2 hours.  Where in the world did that come from??  I chuckled to myself last night when our Lead Pastor, Ridley Barron, mentioned that yesterday was the 3 year anniversary for Pam and I being at RCC.  All that did was remind me again about the surprises and adventures that come with pursing Christ.  Didn't mean to chase that rabbit, but it goes to the point...  when we determine to place our lives in His hands, He will surprise.  Sometimes it's a surprise of a smile, and sometimes it's a surprise of traveling around the world for His fame.

Some believe that the life of being a Christ follower is confined to a list of do's and don'ts or the safety of a "Christianized culture."  I'm learning that there is amazing freedom and adventure that comes with pursuing Him.  If you are struggling with the "safety" of your faith; if you are board with the cobwebs of religious tradition and opinion; then cast your sails fully and make yourself available to the breath of the Holy Spirit.  You'll be amazed where He will take you.  It might be across the street, across town, into unchartered relationships, or maybe to the far corners of the world.

The journey is big... the challenge is great... but my God is Mighty.
Check this blog frequently this week for updates from India.