Thursday, February 26, 2009

Deep weeds....

I don't usually swipe other people's blog stuff to post on here, but many of you need to take a look at this.  This guy is really being used in the Kingdom.’s-best/
(cut and paste this in to your browser)

I hope you will be encouraged by this....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life and stuff, and a little rugby

I haven't been doing too well at blogging as of late.  It's not that I don't have anything to say... those in my household will tell you I always have something to say.  It's just been a time thing.  So, I'm writing this at 10:30 at night, when I should probably be thinking about sleeping, but I'm determined to get a few things said.  Pardon me while I ramble a bit.
First of all, I love my life group.  I don't like always going to LG, but when I'm there I love it... and love them.  This past Sunday night was huge... we got down and dirty with some relationship issues.  Everybody had input, no body dominated the conversation (unless I did), I thought that everybody left thankful that they came.  
Why bring this up?  After, if I don't like LG, and I'm supposed to be the ring-leader of the thing, then we have real problems.
I mention it, because, there are so many people around me who simply don't have a group of people to "lean in to."  No body to get "down and dirty" with life issues, especially when life passes through the filter of scripture. 
Here's the good news:  I got an email from "Linda" today that she had sent to tons of people that she knows.  It was all about how important her LG was to her and her husband, and why others should be involved in a group.  Thats good stuff... her words carry a lot more authority than mine.  Thanks "Linda" for the encouragement.
On a totally different subject, I'm loving rugby.  I love the team aspect, love watching these guys begin to "get" it.   And I'm totally pumped about our first game next week.  First home game EVER at IHS.  Ben and the boys are counting the days... probably the hours.  I think I am as well.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Potential.... scary thing

One of the great joys of life for me is seeing people reach their potential.  Last night, the IHS rugby team had their first official scrimmage of the season.  The guys have been working hard for several weeks in practice, so it was good to finally go out and hit somebody for real.   I'm still learning my role as an assistant coach, and there is a lot about the game of rugby that I still have to learn.  But what I do know is that seeing these young men "get it" on the field is / was an exciting thing.  And yes, I thought Ben, Jake, and Zac were amazing on the field.  Ben stepped up in the 8man position and led, both in his play, and verbally.  Jake was pushing guys around and was quick to the ball... even had a carry.  And then Zac, as a freshman and getting his first game action, showed everyone what he can do as he continues to learn the game.  His good hands and quick feet left some of us a little bug-eyed.  

So enough of the bragging... here's my point.  All of us are created with purpose.  All of us have potential.  We all bring "something" to the table.  The question:  Are you reaching your potential?  Are you beginning to connect the dots and live in the purpose that  you've been created for?  Only then will you excel... only then will you and I really find true joy in our lives. 

The first game for the Eagles comes March 5 as we host Franklin.  We've got just a few weeks to get better, and take another step toward our potential as a team.  In life, we don't know how much time we have.  We don't know how many opportunities to fulfill our calling we really have.  Go make the play... do what you're called to do.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Recovery complete

Ok, I've been back from India for 5 days, and I think the recovery is complete.  But wow, what an experience.  I still want to post some additional pictures, but I've got to get them from my peeps who went with me.  Anyway, I'm sleeping through the night, and that is huge.

It's a good think I recovered quickly, 'cuz this week has been crazy.  I've been in the XPastor mode, high gear every day.  I'll admit, most of it I really like.  This staff (at RCC) is amazing, and I love it when I see them growing and moving to the next level.   Now, if I can just get myself back in to some reading.  I don't know what that has suddenly become a challenge when I've enjoyed it so much for years.

The weekend should be the final step of re-entry for me.  Pam and Ben will be on the ski trip, so I'll be baching it at home.  Pam is doing the cooking for the group, and I'm sure Ben will be burning up the slopes on a snowboard.  I just hope he (and everyone else) makes it back with nothing broken - spoken like a non-skier!

Keep looking for India pix, and I'll keep trying to overcome my tech issues....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

On Our Way

This pic is a few days old now, but I'm posting as soon as possible. 'Net access has been pretty tough, but we are here in India, with our friends, and ready to face the week. Thanks for checking, and I'll be posting as often as possible.

The group is doing great, but fatigue is already a little bit of an issue. I know we will all sleep well tonight. We leave for some village work tomorrow.

Follow us with updates on my Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter!

Most of all... pray for us and pray for our families