Thursday, February 12, 2009

Recovery complete

Ok, I've been back from India for 5 days, and I think the recovery is complete.  But wow, what an experience.  I still want to post some additional pictures, but I've got to get them from my peeps who went with me.  Anyway, I'm sleeping through the night, and that is huge.

It's a good think I recovered quickly, 'cuz this week has been crazy.  I've been in the XPastor mode, high gear every day.  I'll admit, most of it I really like.  This staff (at RCC) is amazing, and I love it when I see them growing and moving to the next level.   Now, if I can just get myself back in to some reading.  I don't know what that has suddenly become a challenge when I've enjoyed it so much for years.

The weekend should be the final step of re-entry for me.  Pam and Ben will be on the ski trip, so I'll be baching it at home.  Pam is doing the cooking for the group, and I'm sure Ben will be burning up the slopes on a snowboard.  I just hope he (and everyone else) makes it back with nothing broken - spoken like a non-skier!

Keep looking for India pix, and I'll keep trying to overcome my tech issues....

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