Saturday, January 9, 2010

Simple Days

Yesterday was one of my favorite kind of days. It was simple... that doesn't happen too often in my world. With the snow and cold, the world has slowed down a little for most of us, but with it being our anniversary, the Queen and I just chilled and did our own thing all day.

I can't believe that we've been married for 16 years. We talked a little over breakfast yesterday that in some ways, the time has flown by... then we start thinking about how many places we've lived, and the years add up.

Every chapter of our life has had a very distinct feel. These last five years have certainly been different, in lots of ways. But through every day, every second... one thing is clear. God gave me an amazing partner / friend / wife. I'm so thankful for her and the journey that we've traveled... and look forward to many more days ahead.

1 comment:

Katie Dunlap said...

Very sweet post! Happy Anniversary to a great couple! Love, the Dunlaps