Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Slowing and Slow Rain

Rain is moving in, and apparently, the cold rolls in tonight and tomorrow. I'm sitting in the Franklin Mercantile finishing up prep for staff meeting, and on first glance, it looks a little dreary outside. The rain had started as I left Spring Hill, and my first thought, was, "oh great, a rainy drive." But the funniest thing occurred to me on the drive. When it rains, everything seems to slow down. Yeah, there are crazies who think wet roads translates into faster driving. But most of us tend to slow down and be a little more cautious.

In a season that tends to spin out of control, every opportunity to slow down should be seen as a good thing. My calendar, and really our family calendar, can get jammed. But I think we've made the intentional choice to control what we schedule. Relationships and quality time matter. What is going on in peoples lives around me matter. I'm determined to make time for what is important this Christmas season.

I'm glad its raining. I'm glad for the reminder to slow down. I hope you can slow down a little today and the rest of the Christmas season.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Holiday See-Saw

It's the day after... Yesterday was a FULL day, literally and figuratively. It was like many Thanksgivings of the past, and probably like most everyone else's to some degree. Lots of food, lots of laughter, some reminiscing, and then more food. By the time Pam and I retired last night, we had to take a little time just to process all that we had done throughout the day. Stories told, and whispers overheard. It's funny how there can even be a hint of gossip within a family!!! Shocking.

One of the funniest times, and this happens every time we are together, is when my mom's side of the family gets together. We have this unique ability to manage about 5 conversations simultaneously. It's not that we are rude, but everybody talks at the same time, and somehow, knows what everybody else says. We know it is getting good when my mom and aunt (sisters) start stretching their necks, raising their eyebrows and pitch, followed by exponential raises in volume. It's quite the site to behold. Even after nearly 16 years of marriage, Pam can get a little taken aback by it all. Anyway, everybody has crazy family get-togethers at Thanksgiving, so none of this is really news.

However, there was one pause during my day that is still haunting me a little...
The trucks have arrived to start site work on a new school on what used to be my maternal grandparents farm. Yesterday was the first time that I had walked through the house since my grandmother moved out over a year ago.

The old farm house has stood on that hill for somewhere around 75 years. The haybarns, the "little barn," the ponds... all of these structures have prominent places in my memory. However, walking through the empty house was much more difficult than I expected. The memories of laughter, tears, and many, many meals were thick in the stale air. Any empty house can be a sad place, but knowing that this family house will soon be torn down, made it especially so. I say sad, but it was also an incredible time of reflection... and a great time of thankfulness. I'm so thankful for the faithfulness that was modeled by my grandparents... and still modeled by my grandmother. I think it was timely for me to make that walk. It was important for me to be reminded of all the people who have influenced me... and who continue to influence me.

Last night, at the end of a "full" day of getting full on great food, I was also full of memories, full of appreciation, and full of thankfulness. That house will be torn down, and the farm will change dramatically in the next few months. But the cornerstones of life that were carved into my foundation while growing up there will remain. And I am thankful.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Driving in Middle Tennessee

A good friend told me last week to get my tail in gear and start blogging again. I guess I've gotten lazy depending on my twitter and facebook accounts to..... do whatever it is that they do. Anyway, since my conversation with Matt, I've felt a little convicted, so, we'll go again with this thing and see what happens. Here you go Matt.

Since it's Friday, Pam and I headed out on our weekly "Adventure Friday," and found ourselves heading to Opry Mills for some shopping. The funny part is that we only make that trek about once a year, and that's typically in December. So, I suggested that we wouldn't have to do that this year... she didn't bite, but I digress...

Here's the point. It's October... October 16 to be exact, and yet the mall was crazy and drivers were worse. Why is it that when people get in the vicinity of "mass consumerism," they loose their ability to drive? Then again, maybe they only fake knowing how to drive in the first place? Anyway...

So here's the deal. The holidays are just around the corner and many of us will be out "consuming," so just respect the other people around you as you look for that "secret" parking spot. But more than that... come on people... you're not the only people on the road.

There, Matt, I've done all that I can do.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Change... can be an scary word

Ok, back off... I know its been forever since I've posted a blog.  Believe me, I'm not proud.

Be prepared, I'm backed up a little, so hang on.  

My neighbors are moving, and I'm not happy.  It's been great getting to know them since they moved in 2 years ago.  Having new neighbors can be cause for a little anxiety, especially when lots are as small as ours.  The Broadways, however, have been great, and it's been fun watching their kids grow, exchanging lawn care tall tales (its a guy thing), and chatting at dusk about the local community gossip... not that we gossip.

So, now, they are moving, and we have the opportunity to meet a whole new set of neighbors somewhere down the road.  But hey... isn't that how life is?  I mean, our circumstances are always in flux... sometimes for the better, sometimes, not so much.

As I talked to Daren and Joann last night, I was reminded once again that God brings people in and out of our lives for a season and for a purpose.  We need to keep our eyes open and our senses acute.  I don't want to miss anything, or anyone, cuz times, they are a changin'.

Thanks, Broadways, you've been great neighbors!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Giving, even if it is sauce

So McDonalds has a sauce policy?  Seriously!  Are you kidding me?  When did that happen?  And is it really necessary?

Here's the deal.  Pam and I stop in at our local McDs this morning to get her usual (unsweet iced tea with lemon - it's the equivalent to my Starbucks fix).  When we pulled up to the second window, posted on their sliding window is their "sauce policy."  Who dreams up this stuff?  Anyway, you can't just ask for extra sauce.  Depending on how many nuggets you have, you might have to pay .15 for the sauce.  If not, McD could go McUnder.  Don't want to get to liberal with their sauce giving for crying out loud.

So I know that I need to get over this.  There are bigger issues to deal with today.  However, it did make me think.  

Everyone wants to be so careful about how much they give.  I'm glad God doesn't have a restrictive giving policy.  He gives, and gives, and then gives some more.  His greatest gift was His son.  And, He desires that we be givers.  He doesn't need anything that we have.  He doesn't need our money... doesn't need our time... doesn't need anything that we call our own.  It is His desire that we become generous in our giving.  Giving to those in need.  Giving to Kingdom  advancement.  Giving a portion back to Him.

A sauce policy?  Seriously?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gearing up for India: redeaux

What a week!  And it's just Thursday!!  It seems that so much over the past couple of months has been pointing to this week, and now, it's finally here.  Tomorrow, I will leave with three student from RCC to head to India to partner with our church planting friends.  While I'm excited about this new international adventure, I am absolutely stoked to see these young men see first hand what God is doing on the front-lines of Gospel seed-sowing.  I know it will be amazing.

All of that being said, the week has been a challenge.  We would be stupid to thing that the enemy would just sit by and offer no distractions... boy has he been busy.  I say that just to say:  pray for this "wide-eyed" group that will embark on a life changing journey during spring break when so many their age will choose other diversions.  Pray for safety; pray for endurance in oppressive heat; pray for wisdom in knowing when to speak and when to be silent; and pray for the families that will remain here in the states.

God is a good God, and the journey of "followship" is always faith demanding.  I can't wait to see what He will do over the next 9 days.  Look for updates from me on twitter, either on the left of this blog or on Facebook.  

Next stop:  East India!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fast forward parenting

I know, I know... some of you who are parents are just going to roll your eyes at this whole blog... you'll say something like, "wow, tell us something we don't know."

As you probably know (if you don't go back to about the second blog that I ever posted and read), Pam and I have been learning parenting on the fly for the past 15 months, roughly. For the most part, it has been an adventure of joy and fulfillment. Yup, we've had some issues to "deal" with, but for the most part, this is has been the most incredible journey of my life.

But there are days.... (Hold on, this is gonna get messy!)

I was bragging earlier today about what a great kid this certain 17 yr old is... and he is. But I should have known better than to start spouting off. Where does the attitude come from? I'm sure I wasn't like that as a 17 year old... (Wonder if my mom reads my blog....). Anyway, I feel such a huge responsibility to do everything I can to make sure Ben is prepared for adulthood. I talk when I feel like I need to talk, and I try every day to model the things that I think are so crucial for him. And yet, days like today, I wonder if he is getting anything....
Then, as I sat down at the computer to check some blogs that I regularly follow, I read an entry from a pastor that I have a huge amount of respect for talk about fear, and how we are to stand against it.

To quote a friend, "shablam." I really am just a dumb sheep. I need to talk about stuff that needs to be talked about... and I need to model those things as best as I possibly can. I need to show how consequences are a part of life. And I always need to be honest. But I also MUST rely on MY FATHER, and the work of the Holy Spirit to work in Ben's life. I'm not God. And I cannot live in fear for his future.

I don't know how long I will have this much influence on him, and I must be a good steward of the time that I have. But I also know that as much as I love him, God loves him more. And, whether I like it or not, Ben is approaching that time in his life that he is going to be held accountable more and more for his actions (and inaction).

This "fast forward" parenting process has been hard... and it's been rewarding. And I wouldn't trade it for anything...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wow... I love it when a pastor goes on a rant, AND knows what he is talking about.  Check this out...


And a big amen...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Chapters, Missed Opportunities

You need to spend some casual, relaxed time with someone... someone that you've been thinking for some time, "I need to have them over for dinner."  I've just been reminded the past few days that when seasons change in someone's life, it effects lots of people.  Now, before you all make a collective, "duh," just humor me.  

I know this... I've known it for some time.  But, like most of us, I let life get in the way, and don't always put a high value on relationships.  Then, life happens, and change comes, and I'm left with regret.  I'm not trying to be Danny Downer, but we all need to be reminded of this from time to time.  

There is someone on your mind right now that you need to meet at your favorite coffee house (everyone say, "I need Starbucks!).  Someone keeps coming up in conversation with your spouse that you both want to have over for dinner... do it.  Fire up the grill, enjoy the carcinogens, and have a great evening.  

Life is too short.  I have long been convinced that God brings people in, and out, of our lives, for the benefit of both, and in His perfect timing.  Don't miss those precious minutes.

Friday, March 13, 2009

More lessons from rugby

Improvement is key in my book.  Seriously, forward progress in whatever you are doing or want to do is more important than the final result.  Now, I know somebody will probably challenge me on this, but that's cool, 'cuz I'm going to stand by it.

Case in point:  tonight our Eagles Rugby team faced Brentwood on a cold, wet, pitch (field).  Brentwood is good... they always are.  And, after letting Franklin push us around last week, this should not have been much of a game at all.  Not so fast my friend.  At the half, we were still at a 0-0 tie, and the Brentwood Brumbies were in shock.  Our young Eagle team had corrected many of the issues that plagued them last week, and were playing their hearts out.  When the final whistle blew, the Brumbies had scored a 22-5 win, but the Eagles had made their presence felt and Brentwood knew they had been in a "scrum."

The Eagles had listened to their coaches, they made adjustments from their game last week, and they came ready to play.  Major improvement was obvious.

Don't get me wrong... we didn't win, and nobody likes walking off the field with an "L."  But we made progress.  Oh, that we could all say the same with life... progress.

Are you making progress with a more healthy lifestyle?  Are you making progress in getting out of debt?  What about progress in organizing your closets?  Closer to tithing? The list goes on and on, but you get the idea.  

Most of us just keep doing the same thing and hope for different results.  That's a great definition for stupidity.  The Eagles showed everyone present what happens when you set out to improve.  Have a plan, and execute.  Learn from mistakes, and don't make them a second time.

Finally, my boys had a very solid game.  Jake continued to push guys all over the field from his "second row" position, even carried the ball a time or two; Zach shook off his "first game" jitters from last week, and was all over the field - good feet, good hands, and some great runs; Ben continued to be a leader from the "8 Man" position, and proved just how hard his head is; and Chris stepped up huge in the B side game.  I'm really proud of all the guys.  Gotta get ready for Coffee County next Friday night.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This was really meant to church leaders, but I think there is a message here for everyone.  Take a look....


cut and paste link into your browser....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Deep weeds....

I don't usually swipe other people's blog stuff to post on here, but many of you need to take a look at this.  This guy is really being used in the Kingdom.  

(cut and paste this in to your browser)

I hope you will be encouraged by this....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life and stuff, and a little rugby

I haven't been doing too well at blogging as of late.  It's not that I don't have anything to say... those in my household will tell you I always have something to say.  It's just been a time thing.  So, I'm writing this at 10:30 at night, when I should probably be thinking about sleeping, but I'm determined to get a few things said.  Pardon me while I ramble a bit.
First of all, I love my life group.  I don't like always going to LG, but when I'm there I love it... and love them.  This past Sunday night was huge... we got down and dirty with some relationship issues.  Everybody had input, no body dominated the conversation (unless I did), I thought that everybody left thankful that they came.  
Why bring this up?  After, if I don't like LG, and I'm supposed to be the ring-leader of the thing, then we have real problems.
I mention it, because, there are so many people around me who simply don't have a group of people to "lean in to."  No body to get "down and dirty" with life issues, especially when life passes through the filter of scripture. 
Here's the good news:  I got an email from "Linda" today that she had sent to tons of people that she knows.  It was all about how important her LG was to her and her husband, and why others should be involved in a group.  Thats good stuff... her words carry a lot more authority than mine.  Thanks "Linda" for the encouragement.
On a totally different subject, I'm loving rugby.  I love the team aspect, love watching these guys begin to "get" it.   And I'm totally pumped about our first game next week.  First home game EVER at IHS.  Ben and the boys are counting the days... probably the hours.  I think I am as well.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Potential.... scary thing

One of the great joys of life for me is seeing people reach their potential.  Last night, the IHS rugby team had their first official scrimmage of the season.  The guys have been working hard for several weeks in practice, so it was good to finally go out and hit somebody for real.   I'm still learning my role as an assistant coach, and there is a lot about the game of rugby that I still have to learn.  But what I do know is that seeing these young men "get it" on the field is / was an exciting thing.  And yes, I thought Ben, Jake, and Zac were amazing on the field.  Ben stepped up in the 8man position and led, both in his play, and verbally.  Jake was pushing guys around and was quick to the ball... even had a carry.  And then Zac, as a freshman and getting his first game action, showed everyone what he can do as he continues to learn the game.  His good hands and quick feet left some of us a little bug-eyed.  

So enough of the bragging... here's my point.  All of us are created with purpose.  All of us have potential.  We all bring "something" to the table.  The question:  Are you reaching your potential?  Are you beginning to connect the dots and live in the purpose that  you've been created for?  Only then will you excel... only then will you and I really find true joy in our lives. 

The first game for the Eagles comes March 5 as we host Franklin.  We've got just a few weeks to get better, and take another step toward our potential as a team.  In life, we don't know how much time we have.  We don't know how many opportunities to fulfill our calling we really have.  Go make the play... do what you're called to do.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Recovery complete

Ok, I've been back from India for 5 days, and I think the recovery is complete.  But wow, what an experience.  I still want to post some additional pictures, but I've got to get them from my peeps who went with me.  Anyway, I'm sleeping through the night, and that is huge.

It's a good think I recovered quickly, 'cuz this week has been crazy.  I've been in the XPastor mode, high gear every day.  I'll admit, most of it I really like.  This staff (at RCC) is amazing, and I love it when I see them growing and moving to the next level.   Now, if I can just get myself back in to some reading.  I don't know what that has suddenly become a challenge when I've enjoyed it so much for years.

The weekend should be the final step of re-entry for me.  Pam and Ben will be on the ski trip, so I'll be baching it at home.  Pam is doing the cooking for the group, and I'm sure Ben will be burning up the slopes on a snowboard.  I just hope he (and everyone else) makes it back with nothing broken - spoken like a non-skier!

Keep looking for India pix, and I'll keep trying to overcome my tech issues....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

On Our Way

This pic is a few days old now, but I'm posting as soon as possible. 'Net access has been pretty tough, but we are here in India, with our friends, and ready to face the week. Thanks for checking, and I'll be posting as often as possible.

The group is doing great, but fatigue is already a little bit of an issue. I know we will all sleep well tonight. We leave for some village work tomorrow.

Follow us with updates on my Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter!

Most of all... pray for us and pray for our families

Friday, January 30, 2009

Big, BIG day!

Mission trip are always fun... and always bring a little anxiety.  There is always the unexpected.  As the India 7 prepare to leave today, I hope you'll be praying for us, but even more so, pray for those we will see.  Pray for safety.  And pray for our families that we leave behind.  I already miss Pam and Ben.  But it's gonna be great.  When there is assurance in a call, anxiety and stress seem to melt away.  See you there!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I've heard lots of good comments about our Resolved blog from various people this week.  Actually the whole series seems to be striking a chord.  Here is a caution for you:  if you are looking for a sermon series, practical as it might be, to be the 4-step process that "fixes" you... you are about to be very disappointed.  Our objective is to get us thinking and asking questions.  Questions like:
  • Is there balance in my life?
  • Is there a specific area that is WAY out of balance?
  • Do I know my purpose in life?
  • And am I doing ANYTHING to figure out what that purpose is. 

This list is not exhaustive... but it should be a warning to all of us.  Our culture likes quick satisfaction, and linear, 1-2-3 step processes that guide us to a conclusion.  Life just doesn't work that way.

So, check out the Resolved blog, RESOLVE09.BLOGSPOT.COM, and let's continue the journey together.

Speaking of journey's, I hope you will be praying for the India 7 as we leave on Friday!  And look for India updates frequently.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Crazy Week

I knew coming in that this was going to be a crazy week.  There are a thousand little details that have to be resolved before I head around the world to India on Friday, plus the day to day routine of leading a church remains as well as leading a household.  It seems that God is opening doors for new friendships and new opportunities to live out my faith.  It has been a huge reminder that the Christ-following life is always full of surprises and opportunities.

Don't get me wrong.  I know that "business" doesn't equal "Godliness."  Far from it.  But I do believe that when we pray for opportunities, He gives them, as well as empowers us to accomplish that which He has called us.  

We asked Ridgies (RCC members and attenders) to pray for fertile soil as we head to India, so I'm repeating that request here.  Pray for safety for us as travelers.  Pray for the "ground crew" that is there, that live there, that God has been using... Pray for their encouragement and clear vision for the task at hand.  And certainly pray for those that our team will have contact.  There is such a huge spiritual need; I am confident that the Holy Spirit is already going before us.

I can't promise daily updates from India because of internet availability, but there will be contact.  It's going to be a great trip after a crazy week.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Planning the course...

The staff of RCC has been hard at work the past two days finalizing and tweaking plans for 2009.  It's going to be exciting, but that's not really what this blog is about.

It's so awesome to think about how off the charts creative our God truly is.  It's just as crazy that Christians don't even try to tap in to that creativity most of the time.  Our process of charting our course was so refreshing.  Yeah, we chased rabbits and laughed, but it was so cool to see God's finger prints begin to emerge from the white board as we thought through the needs of our church and community.

We all need to grow... to be stretched.  I just wish that we (read: I) would be more determined to look at life a little more creatively on a day to day basis.

By the way, have you checked out our blog for the current series?


Go do something creative!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sometimes we're just dumb sheep

I'm looking out my window wishing the sun would shine some warmth into my office.  This old house is a huge blessing, but a warm haven it is not.  It was 60 inside when the office staff arrived this morning, and isn't much warmer now...
Anyway, back to the window.  So, as I'm sitting here thinking about tons of things, and listening to my teeth chatter, I noticed a van parked on the curb across from my desk and going in the wrong direction.  It had only been there for a few minutes when the parking enforcement guy wandered by, and quick as a flash, a ticket was written.  
Come on people... who parallel parks in the wrong direction and thinks that's ok?  What was he thinking?  Was his brain frozen?
Then it hit me... Aren't we all like that?  I mean, how many times during the day do we know what we should do (or shouldn't do) and do just the opposite?  What are we thinking?  Especially, if we count ourselves as followers of Christ, how is it that we make some of the decisions that we make?
The van driver just got back and found his special gift on his windshield from the City of Franklin.  I guess his day just took a turn.  I hope I remember the next time I start to park going the wrong direction.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Yesterday was a good day for our church. Pastor Ridley took the morning to talk through some vital issues for us to focus on as we begin this new year. It's interesting to me that it is vitally important to look back and forward at the same time. There are so many lessons that we can learn from our past that can make moving forward so much more strategic. At the same, we can't get caught up in living in our past, or resting on the successes of our past. That is true for individuals, families, churches... whatever the organization.
Don't just drift into this new year. Be strategic in planning and finding your purpose and "point-of-view" as we roll into this second full week of the new year.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, here we are.. 01/01/09. It even looks odd to see it in print. Today is the day that we all make plans for the new year; plans to get out of debt, loose weight, simplify our lives, etc, etc. And then in a week or so, we'll look back and wonder how things could get out of hand, again, so easily.

I've decided to take a slightly different approach this year. Yeah, I'm like many of you... Definitely need to loose some around the middle, definitely need to find some traction financially in these tough economic times. But, I've decided that I want 2009 to the year of open eyes. The past two years have been "reactionary" a little bit. We've battled cancer, taken on the role of parents, and continued to explore life in a VERY young church. This year, I want to be even more aware of the opportunities that God gives me, and then be faithful to respond.

At the same time, I also know that I can't get caught up in the business trap that is so easy for Christians to fall prey to. Busy does not equal Godly... so I guess that brings me back to balance. Am I rambling?

Anyway, I'm excited about the opportunities. I'm excited about seeing RCC take another step towards maturity. I'm excited to travel to India and see the Holy Spirit do what ONLY He can do in a place that is so dark. I'm excited to see another church that RCC will partner with begin to take root in Fargo, ND. And I'm excited to see how my family will continue to morph and develop.

I'm looking forward to a great year... and I hope that you are as well.