The drive to Knoxville yesterday was beautiful. Bright sunshine and a crisp blue sky provided the perfect backdrop for Pam and I to talk almost non-stop. In our crazy world, the opportunities to just talk come far too infrequently. As we talked and laughed and dreamed, it became increasingly clear to me how truly blessed I am. Today, make sure you actually tell someone how much they mean to you. Don't assume they know just because they are your spouse / child / parent / friend. Tell them. Then, tell the Father how thankful you are for His continued blessing. Tell Him.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving thoughts - A Christ Follower in the US
The big day of gluttony is just around the corner! Most of us are having our attention drawn to the blessings that have been showered with, and those thoughts will no doubt intensify as we get later in the week. If you have time, take a look at the link below. It's a long article, but one that every American needs to read. We, as a nation, are so blessed.
(copy into your browser!)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Middle of the Night Thoughts
Maybe it was the late supper...
Maybe it was because I knew Ben had to be up at 5am...
Maybe it was medicine that I'm still taking for this cold that wont go away...
Or maybe it was something else...
Regardless, I've been up since just before 3 this morning. It's funny what you think about in the predawn hours when you wish you could sleep, want to sleep, but just can't get there. As I tried to slowly breathe in the still, cold, night air, I couldn't help but begin to think about how blessed I've been. Now, before you move on to something else because you think this is going to be a boring Thanksgiving post, HOLD ON!
This season tends to make all of us reflect on how blessed we are because of the stuff we have. And, it's somewhat typical to be thankful for our family and other significants in our life. Interestingly enough, as I listened to the silence this morning, I've thought alot about the process of life that has shaped me. Decisions made, churches served, family circumstances, etc.
These are the things that have shaped me; the things that have hardened, softened, smoothed, and roughed. Does that make sense. Sometimes we think that life just rumbles along leaving us in it's wake. I was reminded again this morning how God desires to use our circumstances to shape us in to the people he has called us to be. Circumstances turn in to processes when we act on them, and more importantly, act on them through faith.
I wont get into too many specifics, but most recently Pam's fight (our fight) with breast cancer and the decision to step into the life of a family in our church and walk with them on an extremely personal level are two examples of circumstances turning to processes that will forever shape me.
And I am thankful.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 ESV
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
So what motivates you? That question has come up lately in our family as we really settle in to the school year and deal with homework on a daily basis. For an HS junior, there has to be some self-motivation as the notion of freedom really takes hold... but this is not a post about parenting.
Really the question is, what motivates you in general, and more specifically, in your Christian walk? Rarely do I talk to someone who says, "I'm really happy stuck in neutral in my faith journey." Even someone far from God is likely to realize that "something" is "lacking." However, it is a different story when you begin to talk about a plan for forward movement, and certainly, for most of us, the wheels really come off when we begin to execute that plan.
Which brings me back to the original question: What motivates you? You can talk about your drive and motivation all day long, but if you don't actually DO something, you really aren't motivated. Why isn't there a greater desire to move forward... closer, in our faith walk.
If you... if I really want to grow closer in our walk with Christ, then we must evaluate why... When we realize how much He loves us and desires to dwell with us every second of every day, we may begin to unlock the keys to motivate us to give our selves over to him every day. Motivation found...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Shut up and listen
I had lunch with one of our Group Life leaders yesterday. I love the opportunity to set down, especially over coffee or lunch, and just chat. Sometimes it's about family matters, sometimes leadership principles, and sometimes important things like UT football. I think this leader and I covered just about all of the above. It was the second such meeting that I've had this week, and I have several more scheduled for next week.
One of the things that we talked about was how important it is to listen to people. Listen to what they say, and, as importantly, to what they don't say. This leader is far wiser than I, but it was a great reminder of this simple skill.
Whether you are a leader in your family, in your church, small group, or business, maybe the best thing you could do for your organization, is just shut up and listen. In the crazy culture that we live in, it will be a breath of fresh air to the person across from you...
shhhhhhh... just listen
Thursday, November 13, 2008
On Faithfulness
You may be having a bad day. Or, maybe worse, your perspective is beginning to sink, with confidence waning. It could be job related, with the uncertainty of the economy. Or maybe, a family member continues to make poor choices, causing you to question so much about your ability to lead at home. Maybe, after a series of setbacks, your faith foundation is beginning to show signs of cracking and stress; fractures forming in the bedrock of spiritual confidence. Anybody out there relate?
Now before you find the closest blunt, rusty object to impale yourself with (attempt at humor) hang with me. We all have seasons of questioning, and this writer is no exception. Thrust into parenthood this past year has certainly caused we to wonder about my own sanity, although the highs of the journey far outnumber the lows. Other obstacles of the past few years have presented their own challenges from time to time. But this is what I'm learning: it is in these challenges that God's faithfulness is strongest and most evident.
Before I go down the path of a "Guidepost" article (some of you know what I'm talking about), I'm not downplaying the tough times. I have a friend in ministry who is at his wits end. I have another friend, single parent, who is feeling enormous financial pressure, especially this week. I just know that no matter the depth of despair and even grief, God hears our cry, He feels our fear, and He loves us. He longs to comfort us. And He is faithful to provide our rescue... even if it doesn't look like we think it should.
How do you need to see God's faithfulness today?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Plans on purpose
I love it when a plan comes together. Our worship arts crew has been working their tales off for weeks to make this movie, "Here He Comes," come together. Filming here in the office has been crazy. Have you seen "The Office?" If you like that style of production, you'll love the film.
The important thing to understand is it's not about the movie. We are working hard to find creative ways to engage the community and culture that we find ourselves living in. If a staff working together and making fools of themselves so that the Christmas message can be delivered, then, so be it!
There will be tons of advertising in the community beginning the week of Thanksgiving, but we need to start talking about it now. Seize the opportunity. And here's a pre-Thanksgiving Merry Christmas.
Friday, November 7, 2008
60 Minute Lunch Break cont...
Yesterday, I posted some global stats that really got me focused on the needs of our world. Today, I'll continue in that same vain, with a little twist....
During that same happy 60-minute meal, here's what took place in the United States:
78 people died from heart disease
64 people died from cancer
50 people died from tobacco use
42 people died from poor diet or physical inactivity
10 people died from alcohol use
2 people died from illicit sexual behavior
2 people died from illicit drug use
Again, the needs are great. The church must mobilize to meet needs and share Jesus along the way.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
60 Minute Lunch Break
Here are some staggering stats that I ran across today. While enjoying that tasty fast-food meal during your 60-minute lunch break, here's what took place around God's globe:
2,738 people died from starvation
342 people died from malaria
76 mothers died from childbirth issues
9,582 babies died from induced abortion
8,898 infants and children were abandoned
4,650 rural poor people migrated to cities
2,088,751,996 personal income was earned by church members
2,737,851 was given to global foreign missions (about .01 % of church member's income
2,966,005 was embezzled by trusted church leaders (nearly 250 thousand more than was given to global foreign missions)
20 Christians were martyred
Kinda puts the rest of my life in perspective. We have a great task, and a greater God.
From Mission Maker magazine 2009
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The world keeps spinning
Craziest thing.... the sun came up this morning. Regardless of how you voted (and I hope you voted), this year's political season has been one that will be written about for years to come. There was lots of speculation about what "might" happen if this candidate won, or if there would be voting "irregularities" that we saw a couple of elections back. Here's the thing that I know, and that I've communicated to several people. God's still on the throne and I still have a purpose. The church is still the vehicle for communicating the Good News and there is still an audience that needs to hear it.
So, everybody calm down, take your signs out of your yard and bumper stickers off your SUV. Stop forwarding crazy emails, and let's get busy being salt and light.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The creative juices continue to flow around here as we start Day 3 of filming this year's Christmas movie. Our Creative Arts team is doing an amazing job, and Jameson continues to knock it out of the park with his filming and direction. So far, Scott's head has not spun off of his shoulders, but the day is just beginning so stay tuned.
I love being a part of a church team that thinks outside of the box. Why churches are not the most creative organizations on the planet is a mystery to me. Too often, we just keep doing the same things over and over, and yet expecting different results. Not around here. Ridgeview, from day one, has been determined to try (and fail) new things to reach people who are far from God. Our pastor continues to deliver "conversational" messages that provoke thought, challenge the mind, and encourage conversation. He makes me proud to be his friend and co-servant.
Here's your challenge... go be creative for the kingdom this week. Get outside of your comfort zone and do something unexpected.... just like Jesus.
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