As we begin a new year, I'm already reminded that being a leader is tough, but the need is great for leaders to step forward to meet the challenges of the day. I read the following in the
Maxwell Leadership Bible, and thought I'd pass it on...
God is the ultimate leader, and He calls every believer to lead others. God could have arranged His creation in any number of ways, but He chose to create human beings who possess spirits and the capacity to relate to Him and follow Him, and yet who are not forced to do so.
When mankind fell in to sin, God could have executed a plan of redemption that did not include sinful people, but He has called us to participate and to lead others as we follow Him. God made that clear from the beginning when He stated, "have dominion" (Genesis 1:28).
The call to leadership is a constant pattern in the Bible. When God decided to raise up a nation of His own, He didn't call upon the masses. He called out one leader - Abraham. When He wanted to deliver his people out of Egypt, He didn't guide them as a group. He raised up a leader to do it - Moses. When it came time for the people to cross in to the Promised Land, they followed one man - Joshua.
Every time God desired to do something great, He called a leader to step forward. Today He still calls leaders to step forward for every work - both large and small.
Who are you leading? Who is looking to you for leadership? What difference can you make in 2010? It's going to be a great year!