Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Community and Christ

I was doing some reading today, and came across this paragraph from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Life Together." It may not resonate with some of you, but check it out... and I'd love to hear some comments.

Because Christ stands between me and others, I dare not desire direct fellowship with them. As only Christ can speak to me in such a way that I may be saved, so others, too, can be saved only by Christ himself. This means that I must release the other person from every attempt of mine to regulate, coerce, and dominate him with my love. The other person needs to retain his independence of me; to be love for what he is, as one for whom Christ became man, died, and rose again, for whom Christ bought forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Because Christ has long since acted decisively for my brother, before I could begin to act, I must leave him his freedom to be Christ's; I must meet him only as the person that he already is in Christ's eyes. This is the meaning of the proposition that we can meet others only through the mediation of Christ.

Gonna have to continue to think through this a little more. I think I get it...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Simple Days

Yesterday was one of my favorite kind of days. It was simple... that doesn't happen too often in my world. With the snow and cold, the world has slowed down a little for most of us, but with it being our anniversary, the Queen and I just chilled and did our own thing all day.

I can't believe that we've been married for 16 years. We talked a little over breakfast yesterday that in some ways, the time has flown by... then we start thinking about how many places we've lived, and the years add up.

Every chapter of our life has had a very distinct feel. These last five years have certainly been different, in lots of ways. But through every day, every second... one thing is clear. God gave me an amazing partner / friend / wife. I'm so thankful for her and the journey that we've traveled... and look forward to many more days ahead.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Leadership Challenges

As we begin a new year, I'm already reminded that being a leader is tough, but the need is great for leaders to step forward to meet the challenges of the day. I read the following in the Maxwell Leadership Bible, and thought I'd pass it on...

God is the ultimate leader, and He calls every believer to lead others. God could have arranged His creation in any number of ways, but He chose to create human beings who possess spirits and the capacity to relate to Him and follow Him, and yet who are not forced to do so.

When mankind fell in to sin, God could have executed a plan of redemption that did not include sinful people, but He has called us to participate and to lead others as we follow Him. God made that clear from the beginning when He stated, "have dominion" (Genesis 1:28).

The call to leadership is a constant pattern in the Bible. When God decided to raise up a nation of His own, He didn't call upon the masses. He called out one leader - Abraham. When He wanted to deliver his people out of Egypt, He didn't guide them as a group. He raised up a leader to do it - Moses. When it came time for the people to cross in to the Promised Land, they followed one man - Joshua.

Every time God desired to do something great, He called a leader to step forward. Today He still calls leaders to step forward for every work - both large and small.

Who are you leading? Who is looking to you for leadership? What difference can you make in 2010? It's going to be a great year!