Here's the deal. Pam and I stop in at our local McDs this morning to get her usual (unsweet iced tea with lemon - it's the equivalent to my Starbucks fix). When we pulled up to the second window, posted on their sliding window is their "sauce policy." Who dreams up this stuff? Anyway, you can't just ask for extra sauce. Depending on how many nuggets you have, you might have to pay .15 for the sauce. If not, McD could go McUnder. Don't want to get to liberal with their sauce giving for crying out loud.
So I know that I need to get over this. There are bigger issues to deal with today. However, it did make me think.
Everyone wants to be so careful about how much they give. I'm glad God doesn't have a restrictive giving policy. He gives, and gives, and then gives some more. His greatest gift was His son. And, He desires that we be givers. He doesn't need anything that we have. He doesn't need our money... doesn't need our time... doesn't need anything that we call our own. It is His desire that we become generous in our giving. Giving to those in need. Giving to Kingdom advancement. Giving a portion back to Him.
A sauce policy? Seriously?