Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Community and Christ

I was doing some reading today, and came across this paragraph from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Life Together." It may not resonate with some of you, but check it out... and I'd love to hear some comments.

Because Christ stands between me and others, I dare not desire direct fellowship with them. As only Christ can speak to me in such a way that I may be saved, so others, too, can be saved only by Christ himself. This means that I must release the other person from every attempt of mine to regulate, coerce, and dominate him with my love. The other person needs to retain his independence of me; to be love for what he is, as one for whom Christ became man, died, and rose again, for whom Christ bought forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Because Christ has long since acted decisively for my brother, before I could begin to act, I must leave him his freedom to be Christ's; I must meet him only as the person that he already is in Christ's eyes. This is the meaning of the proposition that we can meet others only through the mediation of Christ.

Gonna have to continue to think through this a little more. I think I get it...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Simple Days

Yesterday was one of my favorite kind of days. It was simple... that doesn't happen too often in my world. With the snow and cold, the world has slowed down a little for most of us, but with it being our anniversary, the Queen and I just chilled and did our own thing all day.

I can't believe that we've been married for 16 years. We talked a little over breakfast yesterday that in some ways, the time has flown by... then we start thinking about how many places we've lived, and the years add up.

Every chapter of our life has had a very distinct feel. These last five years have certainly been different, in lots of ways. But through every day, every second... one thing is clear. God gave me an amazing partner / friend / wife. I'm so thankful for her and the journey that we've traveled... and look forward to many more days ahead.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Leadership Challenges

As we begin a new year, I'm already reminded that being a leader is tough, but the need is great for leaders to step forward to meet the challenges of the day. I read the following in the Maxwell Leadership Bible, and thought I'd pass it on...

God is the ultimate leader, and He calls every believer to lead others. God could have arranged His creation in any number of ways, but He chose to create human beings who possess spirits and the capacity to relate to Him and follow Him, and yet who are not forced to do so.

When mankind fell in to sin, God could have executed a plan of redemption that did not include sinful people, but He has called us to participate and to lead others as we follow Him. God made that clear from the beginning when He stated, "have dominion" (Genesis 1:28).

The call to leadership is a constant pattern in the Bible. When God decided to raise up a nation of His own, He didn't call upon the masses. He called out one leader - Abraham. When He wanted to deliver his people out of Egypt, He didn't guide them as a group. He raised up a leader to do it - Moses. When it came time for the people to cross in to the Promised Land, they followed one man - Joshua.

Every time God desired to do something great, He called a leader to step forward. Today He still calls leaders to step forward for every work - both large and small.

Who are you leading? Who is looking to you for leadership? What difference can you make in 2010? It's going to be a great year!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Slowing and Slow Rain

Rain is moving in, and apparently, the cold rolls in tonight and tomorrow. I'm sitting in the Franklin Mercantile finishing up prep for staff meeting, and on first glance, it looks a little dreary outside. The rain had started as I left Spring Hill, and my first thought, was, "oh great, a rainy drive." But the funniest thing occurred to me on the drive. When it rains, everything seems to slow down. Yeah, there are crazies who think wet roads translates into faster driving. But most of us tend to slow down and be a little more cautious.

In a season that tends to spin out of control, every opportunity to slow down should be seen as a good thing. My calendar, and really our family calendar, can get jammed. But I think we've made the intentional choice to control what we schedule. Relationships and quality time matter. What is going on in peoples lives around me matter. I'm determined to make time for what is important this Christmas season.

I'm glad its raining. I'm glad for the reminder to slow down. I hope you can slow down a little today and the rest of the Christmas season.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Holiday See-Saw

It's the day after... Yesterday was a FULL day, literally and figuratively. It was like many Thanksgivings of the past, and probably like most everyone else's to some degree. Lots of food, lots of laughter, some reminiscing, and then more food. By the time Pam and I retired last night, we had to take a little time just to process all that we had done throughout the day. Stories told, and whispers overheard. It's funny how there can even be a hint of gossip within a family!!! Shocking.

One of the funniest times, and this happens every time we are together, is when my mom's side of the family gets together. We have this unique ability to manage about 5 conversations simultaneously. It's not that we are rude, but everybody talks at the same time, and somehow, knows what everybody else says. We know it is getting good when my mom and aunt (sisters) start stretching their necks, raising their eyebrows and pitch, followed by exponential raises in volume. It's quite the site to behold. Even after nearly 16 years of marriage, Pam can get a little taken aback by it all. Anyway, everybody has crazy family get-togethers at Thanksgiving, so none of this is really news.

However, there was one pause during my day that is still haunting me a little...
The trucks have arrived to start site work on a new school on what used to be my maternal grandparents farm. Yesterday was the first time that I had walked through the house since my grandmother moved out over a year ago.

The old farm house has stood on that hill for somewhere around 75 years. The haybarns, the "little barn," the ponds... all of these structures have prominent places in my memory. However, walking through the empty house was much more difficult than I expected. The memories of laughter, tears, and many, many meals were thick in the stale air. Any empty house can be a sad place, but knowing that this family house will soon be torn down, made it especially so. I say sad, but it was also an incredible time of reflection... and a great time of thankfulness. I'm so thankful for the faithfulness that was modeled by my grandparents... and still modeled by my grandmother. I think it was timely for me to make that walk. It was important for me to be reminded of all the people who have influenced me... and who continue to influence me.

Last night, at the end of a "full" day of getting full on great food, I was also full of memories, full of appreciation, and full of thankfulness. That house will be torn down, and the farm will change dramatically in the next few months. But the cornerstones of life that were carved into my foundation while growing up there will remain. And I am thankful.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Driving in Middle Tennessee

A good friend told me last week to get my tail in gear and start blogging again. I guess I've gotten lazy depending on my twitter and facebook accounts to..... do whatever it is that they do. Anyway, since my conversation with Matt, I've felt a little convicted, so, we'll go again with this thing and see what happens. Here you go Matt.

Since it's Friday, Pam and I headed out on our weekly "Adventure Friday," and found ourselves heading to Opry Mills for some shopping. The funny part is that we only make that trek about once a year, and that's typically in December. So, I suggested that we wouldn't have to do that this year... she didn't bite, but I digress...

Here's the point. It's October... October 16 to be exact, and yet the mall was crazy and drivers were worse. Why is it that when people get in the vicinity of "mass consumerism," they loose their ability to drive? Then again, maybe they only fake knowing how to drive in the first place? Anyway...

So here's the deal. The holidays are just around the corner and many of us will be out "consuming," so just respect the other people around you as you look for that "secret" parking spot. But more than that... come on people... you're not the only people on the road.

There, Matt, I've done all that I can do.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Change... can be an scary word

Ok, back off... I know its been forever since I've posted a blog.  Believe me, I'm not proud.

Be prepared, I'm backed up a little, so hang on.  

My neighbors are moving, and I'm not happy.  It's been great getting to know them since they moved in 2 years ago.  Having new neighbors can be cause for a little anxiety, especially when lots are as small as ours.  The Broadways, however, have been great, and it's been fun watching their kids grow, exchanging lawn care tall tales (its a guy thing), and chatting at dusk about the local community gossip... not that we gossip.

So, now, they are moving, and we have the opportunity to meet a whole new set of neighbors somewhere down the road.  But hey... isn't that how life is?  I mean, our circumstances are always in flux... sometimes for the better, sometimes, not so much.

As I talked to Daren and Joann last night, I was reminded once again that God brings people in and out of our lives for a season and for a purpose.  We need to keep our eyes open and our senses acute.  I don't want to miss anything, or anyone, cuz times, they are a changin'.

Thanks, Broadways, you've been great neighbors!